Friday, April 15, 2011

A friendship like no other...

"Two may talk together under one roof for many years, yet never really meet; and two others at first speech are old friends" - Mary Catherwood

Hello Everyone,

The blog has been a little quite last week. I have been processing the news that Tara and her lovely family are relocating to London. That is right London, we will be 462km away from each other, it has been hard to think of anything else. This post is toast to friendship. I will miss Tara more than can be translated in to any words, since we met when our babies were just a few weeks old we have been joined at the hip and I am so sad to say goodbye to her but even though we will be in different countries I know that we will still be just as close. We will always be just a phone call away and I know if she ever needs me Amelie and I will jump on the first plane to London town and be there to give her a hug.

Tara is a strength when I want to crumble, a motivation when I want to slump, a light when there is dark, a smile when i have only tears, she is my brave when I am scared, we are partners in crime, she inspires me and is my best friend.

"Most people come into our lives and quickly leave. It is a special few that come in and leave a footprint in our hearts and we are forever changed." - Anonymous

"Come with me Amelie"

Giggle Buddies

Partners in Crime

I hope you are all lucky enough to have a friendship like the one Tara and I share. I cherish it now and always will. Good luck Tara enjoy this amazing wonderful adventure, I am always just a phone call away and will be visiting you soon!


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